Down With... Privacy
You are being watched all the time. CCTV cameras track you on the street, in your car and on public transport. Your internet provider records every web page you have ever visited and Search Engines track everything you have ever searched for. Your smartphone knows exactly where you have been and how much time you spent there. They are watching you. They know what toothpaste you like, and how often you order pizza. They know who your friends are, and what television shows you watch. They probably know more about your sexual predilections than you do, and they certainly know about those pills you're taking and those videos you bootlegged and those payments you neglected to mention to your accountant. You might hope they never find out about that other thing (you know the one I'm talking about) but they probably already know about that too. Privacy is a big deal at the moment. People value their privacy; they are obsessed with it. For many people, it's the most important ...