The Last Ordinary Lady.
All things eventually die. For the past several months, I have been showcasing films devoted to Ordinary Ladies (as I have been calling them). These ladies have been characters who would (in other circumstances) have lived at the margins of the narrative; they were the girlfriends, the wives, the little old ladies, the aliens from outer space(!). Films are not usually about them , and everyone else in the narrative just assumes that they are going to be the supporting characters. But ignore an Ordinary Lady at your peril. This Thursday (the 3rd of November) we will be screening the final entry in this series. Our final Ordinary Lady. In the wholesome world of slasher movies, there is a narrative trope that is referred to by connoisseurs as the Final Girl . Most slasher films follow a basic formula: some monstrous thing threatens a group of photogenic youngsters who have had the misfortune to get themselves trapped in whatever location they are in (a haunted summer camp; a cabin i...