The Hamlet of Hope
In 1996, Kenneth Branagh released his film version of Hamlet , and it proved to be one of the grandest, most over-the-top adaptations of Shakespeare I have ever seen (and I've sat through the Max Reinhardt Midsummer Night's Dream - see note ). Hamlet is not a short play at the best of times, and Kenneth Branagh's version is not only completely uncut, he actually adds more stuff; inserting flashbacks, fantasy sequences and extra scenes, all of which add up to a film that runs over four hours. The already strong core cast (Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Julie Christie, Kate Winslet etc) is supplemented by some very very famous cameos, several of whom don't even have dialogue. This is truly the Ben Hur of Hamlet s, and it almost works - but that's a discussion for another day, because I have no plans to show this film, this week or any other week. Sorry, you weren't worried, were you? A year before his behemoth Hamlet , Kenneth Branagh released a different Hamlet -relat...